Worldwide Handgun Grips



Terms & Conditions


We are a family operation with over 20 years experience in supplying grips in Thailand and other parts of Asia. We have always preferred to develop a partnership with our customers because we share their desire to have the highest quality products and we trust that they are happy to pay a reasonable price for a quality product. We therefore do not have a whole list of complicated terms and conditions (which normally you would never read anyway), but we trust that you will acknowledge and agree with the following;

  1. Worldwide Grips are the best and should be treated as such. They should not be fitted to a handgun and then neglected, they require the same care and attention as your spouse or favorite child. Love them, take care of them and if, sadly, you ever need to replace them, think carefully, be respectful but then order another set from Worldwide Grips.

  2. Worldwide grips are designed to be fitted to handguns. Our grips in and of themselves are not dangerous and have never knowingly killed anybody. However, your handgun may still be a dangerous weapon even after it is fitted with high quality Worldwide grips. Please ensure that you continue to take great care with your handgun, and just because it now looks like a million dollars, do not use it to illegally try and get a million dollars. Having great looking grips is no defense in court, at the moment at least (we are trying to change this).

  3. Your friends at the firing range are going to be extremely jealous of your handgun with the new Worldwide Grips fitted. This is normal, and should not lead to long term relationship problems. If this jealousy leads in any way to sulkiness, depression or anger in your friends please feel free to refer them to our website. We have people who are trained in these areas of mental health and are able to prescribe handgun grips to any sufferer of such a condition.

  4. The creation of world happiness is, in part, subject to the spread of Worldwide grips to distant parts of the known gun-owning world and we cannot make the world happy on our own, we require your help. Please help us to spread a little joy among the gun-owning fraternity. Tell your friends about us, let us join your Facebook groups and spread the word.

  5. You may find that your new grips are affecting your own life, career, relationships etc. This is normal. If you find that you cannot put your gun down, or you keep caressing the grips with excess affection, or you wake in the night to post photos of your grips online, or your girlfriend seems less attractive compared to your new Worldwide grips, or you cannot resist the urge to order more and more grips from our website, this is normal and you should follow your instincts. After all, there are much worse addictions.

Generally, upon purchasing our grips you are obligated to enjoy them. Spread that joy among your friends and keep everybody happy, safe, and able to order more Worldwide Grips at any time.



Privacy Policy

We don't have much data on you, after all you've only bought some grips not mortgaged your house. But what we do have we will certainly not do anything with. Not only would we not know how to but also because we value our customers and would not do anything to mess them up or stop them ordering from us again, plus of course you all have guns! So don't worry your privacy is safe.